Workshops & Programs
Potential keynote topics include:
Identity Negotiation and Representation – Diversity and Equity in the Classroom – ACTFL and Your Language Curriculum – Technocultural Integration – The Interdisciplinary Classroom – Language Learning for Millenials – Breaking Barriers – Contemporary Afro-Cuban film, literature, and cultural production – US Latinx and Afro-Latinx literature and culture -Contemporary Latin American literature and film – Race and ethnicity in the Spanish-Speaking Caribbean – Diasporic cultural memory
Past workshops
Bringing Language to Life —
What if your students could do more than fill in the blanks correctly, but actually speak, read, write, listen, and interact with the target culture? In this workshop, we will break out of the cycle that deems learning “culture” to be country presentations, celebrating holidays, and eating foods. We will focus on bringing language to life with the “5Cs of Cultural Competency”– communication, culture, comparison, communities, connections. Together we will move your classroom beyond grammar and awkward “cultural moments”, by learning to source and incorporate realia into your lessons, develop and launch unit plans, and bring language to life!
Global Citizenship —
In this workshop we will breakdown what it means to be a global citizen in the 21st century, how to put this concept at the forefront of our language teaching, and nourish this desire in our students. In this workshop we will focus on bringing service learning and whole world philosophies to the classroom. Participants will leave with a treasure trove of real world sources and examples for scaffolding and incorporation into courses for the future.
Latin@s in the US
In this workshop series, we explore the diversity of the culture, history, as well as social, economic and political situation of the Latin@ population in the United States. We will discuss theory and literature as well as competing interpretations of the relationship between Latin@ populations and the U.S. cultural sphere. We will approach the subject through literature, film, art, music, current articles from various disciplines, and service learning. This workshop can be conducted in either Spanish or English.
Language Curriculum Consulting —
Working with department chair and instructors, we will review the language curriculum, sequencing, ACTFL compliance, course materials, technology integration, and more to devise a departmental strategic plan.
Contact pr@heydrcort.com