Direct object pronouns

Direct object pronouns are:

                           ME (me)                                   NOS (us)

                           TE (you)                                   OS (y’all)

                           LO/LA (him/her/you)               LOS/LAS (them m./f.)

Direct object pronouns are used in Spanish to avoid repetition and answer the question ‘what?’ or “who?’ The direct object is the person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb.

For example:

Necesito una bebida –> The drink is what you need. –> La necesito.

                                           I need a drink –> I need it. 

Necesito a mi mamá  -> Your mom is who you need. –> La necesito.

                                          I need my mom –> I need her. 

Where do you put them?

The pronoun can be placed before the conjugated verb or after a present participle or infinitive.

There are certain verbs that frequently use direct object pronouns:

Amar, ayudar, esperar, invitar, necesitar, odiar, poner, querer, tener, ver, visitar