10 idiomatic phrases to try this week
Idiomatic phrases are great to sprinkle into your spoken language and aid in fluency. What’s even better is that language learners at any level can easily incorporate them into their speaking. Here are my picks for idiomatic phrases to try this week:
al fin y al cabo when it’s all said and done
al azar by chance, randomly
de vez en cuando from time to time
volver a (verbo) to do something again
tener ganas de to be eager to
para nada not at all
qué pena what a shame
para colmo to top it all off
estar harto de to be fed up with
vale la pena it’s worth [it]
Try these out and drop a line at drcort@heydrcort.com to let me know how it goes.
Cheers to your success!!
~Dr. Cort